Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Recitation from Memory of the Book of James

One of the significant disciplines I have put on my life, by God’s grace, is memorizing Scriptures. Last year, I was challenged to see John Piper reciting the entire book of Philippians. I thought, “If Piper could do as an old man, why can’t I inculcate this discipline as a young man.” 

So, for the first time in my life, I have seen its importance and committed myself to memorizing the Scriptures. I am amazed at how little things, like memorizing one verse a day or few verses in a week, would make a great difference. Within a year, I memorized a couple of chapters from the Bible without forgetting any of them [memorizing without forgetting is an art that can be learned].

One of my greatest weaknesses is forgetfulness. However, memorizing Scriptures is not an impossible task for slow learners like me. I have learned that memorizing Scriptures is not a talent or a gift; it is a discipline. Anyone sane in his mind can memorize the Scriptures and affirm with the Psalmist, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Ps. 119:11).

The following video is the recitation from memory of the book of James (NIV). This was delivered at Church at Gachibowli’s camp. I hope this would be an encouragement to the viewers to memorize the Scriptures.


Note: It is no great thing to just memorize the Scriptures. Memorization of Scriptures should be done with a heart to obey God's word. We should treasure God's word within us so that we can measure our lives constantly by it.

It is our desire to help people memorize the Scriptures and enjoy its benefits. We do one-day seminar on this. We share about the exhortations from Scriptures to treasure God's word in heart, the excuses people give for not memorizing Scriptures, the cautions for memorizing Scriptures without obedience, the historical examples of those who memorized Scriptures, the benefits of memorizing Scriptures and finally, how to practice memorizing the Scriptures without forgetting, not just individual verses but also chapters and books. You may stay in touch to update you about our next seminar on Treasuring God's Word in Heart

"I am convinced that one of the greatest things we can do is to memorize Scripture."

Billy Graham

"This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. That’s where you need it! How does it get in your mouth? Memorization.

Dallas Willard

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  1. Wonderful post and video! Not very long ago, I came across a video of Johnny Piper, impressively reciting Scripture! I shared it on a page of my blog! Thank you so much for inspiring me, to memorize Scripture! God bless you!


  2. Good Work Stephen David. God Bless you as you continue to be a blessing to many.

    A.P.Anil Kumar
