Saturday, July 28, 2012

How Can We Be Effective in Evangelism?

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, was one of the greatest soul-winners ever lived in the history of Christianity. The Lord used him to win many into His kingdom, to plant churches, to raise leaders and to make a significant impact in his generation and in the generations to come. Though there was opposition and persecution, lack of results at times and various kinds of trials, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Paul was mighty in evangelism.

But why is it that many of us in our time are not as effective as was Paul in evangelism and in impacting the lives around us? How can we become mighty in evangelism like Paul? In my today’s earning morning quiet time, the Lord helped me to understand certain significant reasons behind Paul’s effectiveness. It is my prayer and desire to possess these qualities in my life and I trust you would love to have the same in you.

1. Passion

It is humbling to read these words of Paul, “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race, the people of Israel” (Rom. 9:3-4).

These are no superficial words. What intense passion and steady burden Paul had for his people! He had a great heart for people as he desired to see hearts changed by the power of the gospel. His passion for the salvation of his people was so tremendous that he wished even to accept eternal damnation for their eternal life’s sake. Paul didn’t just preach the gospel; He preached the gospel with passion and compassion for the lost.

Do we have this passion and love for our people? Do we agonize in our soul that souls are perishing around us? Is our heart broken to see people living a life separated from the Living God? Do we burn in our heart to turn people from going into eternal fire? How can we be effective in evangelism without such intense passion for the lost?

2. Prayer

Paul expressed, “Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved” (Rom. 10:1).

Paul not only wished to see the salvation of his people, but he also prayed, persistently prayed, that they would come to the knowledge of the truth. His was not a mere emotional wish, but his intense burden led him to fervent prayer. Since salvation comes from the Lord, he poured his soul at His feet to save them. He didn’t simply preach the gospel; He earnestly prayed to the Lord of salvation to save those who hear the gospel. Paul was not just a man of the gospel; he was also a man of prayer.

We who desire to be effective in evangelism, are we effective in praying for the lost? Do we realize that all our labor and methods are fruitless in evangelism without the mighty work of the Holy Spirit? Do we completely depend on God through prayer for the work of the Holy Spirit? Do we grieve, even weep, for the salvation of the lost? How can we be mighty in evangelism if we are not mighty in our prayer life?

3. Purity

Paul wrote, “You are witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed” (1Thess. 2:10).

How careful Paul was when he did gospel work among the Thessalonians! He conducted himself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ (Phi. 1:27). He strived always to keep his conscience clear before God and man (Acts 24:16). He was careful not to say or do anything that would become a stumbling block in the spread of the gospel. Despite his struggle with personal weaknesses, he conducted himself in purity and integrity, making his life attractive to the gospel of Christ. Reading his life makes it obvious that Paul defended the authenticity of the gospel not only by his words but also by the way he lived.

As we want to see people transformed through the gospel of Christ, are we continuously being conformed to Christ-likeness? Does our life confirms or hinders the message of the gospel? Are we making every effort to live an exemplary life so that in every way we will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive? (Tit. 2:10) How can we be effective in evangelism if we are not effective in our Christian lifestyle?

4. Preaching

In his farewell message to the Ephesian elders, said Paul, “I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace” (Acts 20:24).

We know that the best way to become an expert in any field is to keep practicing it. Paul was effective in evangelism because he continuously engaged himself in proclaiming the gospel of Christ. To him, nothing was more important than knowing Christ and making Him known to others. His life was sharply marked with a passion to preach Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor. 2:2). He was reluctant to miss a single opportunity of witnessing to others. To him, preaching the gospel was not an option, but a solemn obligation (Rom. 1:14-15). He seriously took to heart the Great Commission and made every effort to fulfill it.

How about us, dear friends? Do we preach the gospel at all times? Does our heart beat constantly to proclaim the glory of Christ? Do we grab the opportunities of witnessing Christ to others? Or are we just engrossed in pursuing success and prosperity in this world without seriously considering fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord? How can we be effective in evangelism if we occasionally and conveniently preach the gospel?

5. Power

In his letter to Corinthians, Paul asserts, “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power” (1Cor. 2:4-5).

Paul was not just simply filled with the knowledge about the gospel; he was filled with the Holy Spirit and power to proclaim the gospel of Christ. He wasn’t content to present the gospel simply with words, but strived to preach it with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction (1Thess. 1:5). O, there was energy, power and conviction in the gospel he preached! His gospel preaching was a power-filled preaching. Just like his Lord, the Spirit of the Lord was upon him as he preached the good news (Lu. 4:18).

Are we discontent with our knowledge, intellect and experience and hunger more for a Spirit-filled life and ministry? Do we continuously seek to be clothed with the power from on high to live as Christ’s mighty witnesses (Lu. 24:49; Acts 1:8) Do we hate our cold heart and dead preaching, and long to have fire in our heart and life in our preaching? How can we be effective in evangelism without being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit?

May the Lord make us men and women of passion, of prayer, of purity, of preaching and of power and use us in these last days to effectively spread the gospel of Christ, proclaiming His glory to the nations.

Our Father in heaven, we come before You with our hearts which is passionless, prayerless, powerless, godless and gospel-less. We ask You that You send Your holy fire from above and revive us to live a life like Your servant Paul. Help us not to waste our precious life on earth by indulging ourselves into materialism and worldly hedonism.  Give us Your grace to live our life completely for Your glory, for the fulfillment of Your will and for Your kingdom purpose. May Your name be hallowed in and through our lives. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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