Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sign of Christ’s Disciples—Worldly Prosperity or Godly Charity? [Part 2]

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Good and Generous Life

The Lord Jesus said to His people, “You are the light of world” (Matt. 5:14). Christ desired us to be the light of the world and the world, which is living in darkness, has to see the light in us. It has to see that we are different and unique from it. It has to witness that our lives are set apart for God. It has to be influenced by us.

But what is the light that the world has to see in us? Is it prosperity? Is it wealth and riches?

Listen carefully to what Christ said, “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). Christ didn’t say, “Let them see your great wealth and praise your Father in heaven.” He said, “Let them see your good deeds [generous life] and praise your Father in heaven.”

What Christ’s disciples have to manifest and what the world has to see is not prosperity but generosity, whether living in plenty or in little. It is our good deeds which brings glory to God, not our great wealth. It is our generous life which testifies about our allegiance to Christ, not our prosperous lifestyle. It is our kind acts which we do in the name of Jesus which speaks about us being His disciples, not our earthly comforts. 

Just think, when there are millions of needy people struggling to pass every day of their living, what are the affluent or affluent-seeking Christians trying to tell the world by their massive bank balances, luxurious houses and magnificent possessions? Does the world get impressed by looking at the prosperity of Christians or does it wonder at the greedy lifestyle of those who claim being the followers of the One who gave His life for the welfare of others?

O, we are living in an era where there is more emphasis on getting rather than giving, prosperity than generosity, possessing than losing, storing than sharing, success than sacrifice, blessings rather than being a blessing! Has not today's Christianity turned much like the world rather than being the light of the world?

John Piper said it right, “The world is not impressed when Christians get rich and say thanks to God. They are impressed when God is so satisfying that we give our riches away for Christ's sake and count it gain.” Yes, the world has to see how we Christians are completely sold out to God that nothing in this world can buy us to sell our good and generous life.

Final Words

There are so many Christians who are being entrapped by the cult of prosperity teaching. Prosperity preachers are fooling them by making appealing statements and by distorting the sacred Scriptures. They are using God’s word to feed their belly, not to advance the Kingdom of God.

So, here is a word of caution: This giving away or generosity ought to be shown not to those who are already prosperous, who are alluring people to sow in their ministry to make themselves more prosperous. This should be shown to those who are in need. But let us not fatten the people who are already fattened.

When it comes to supporting ministries, let us support such that are Christ-centered, kingdom-minded and faithful stewards of God’s resources. And when it comes to offering aid to people, let us give to the needy, help the helpless, bless the poor, uphold the destitute and look after the orphans and widows.

May God’s people carefully search the Scriptures and discern the false propaganda of today’s prosperity teachers. May we Christians be models of charity and generosity so that all people would know that we are the disciples of Christ and glorify our Father in heaven.     

“Think it more satisfaction to live richly than die rich” - Thomas Brown

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