Sunday, February 3, 2013

Becoming Like Child: Learning Forgiveness

My lovely kids - Joe and Joy

My youngest son, Joe, covered his nose with his left hand and came towards me, crying and full of tears. It was a minor injury with few drops of blood flowing from the edge of his nose. I instinctively thought it was my eldest son, Joy, who caused this trouble.

What a fool I was, without asking questions and finding out reasons, I abruptly slapped Joy. He fell on sofa, weeping profusely and pleading for his innocence.

I believe in spanking with self-control when disciplining children. However, at that moment, I, a foolish man, lost my reason and temper and inappropriately slapped him.

Later, I realized that Joy had no part in Joe’s injury. It was Joe who ran carelessly, hit the cot and injured himself. I felt sad for Joy. I cursed myself for my foolish behavior. I was angry at myself and just sat like a statue for a while.

After sometime, Joy started to speak to me as if nothing had happened. He was cool and nice. I was amazed at his behavior.

If I was in his place and receive that hurt at my age, I might have become mad. I might have stopped talking for days, even months. My heart might have been filled with bitterness and unforgiveness. I might never have forgotten that hurt in my life. It might have been difficult for me to forgive even after pleading for forgiveness.

But look at this child. I didn’t ask apology. I didn't try to appease him. Yet, he simply ignored what had happened and started talking to me. He treated me with respect in spite of the hurt that I gave him. I was humbled by his forgiveness. With shame and guilt, I apologized to him and asked him to forgive me.

When I saw my child’s attitude, I prayed to God to have a heart like his.

What a lovely heart it is which has a spirit of forgiveness! A heart that forgives finds quick healing when it is wounded. It even has plentiful hope to give to a despairing world. But O, how unforgiveness robs all joy and hope in relationships!

We all know how difficult it is to forgive someone who hurt us deeply. But look at a child when he is offended—he simply forgives and forgets. He neither takes things too personally nor does he brood over the past hurts. The hurt on his heart is like mist in the morning—it simply evaporates.

I agree that a child’s heart is not completely immune from evil. There is much envy and selfishness inside of him. However, when it comes to forgiveness, we have to become humble students and learn from them, for they are masters in teaching us forgiveness. O, how I desperately wish to become like my children in regard to forgiving others.

Well, I understand, as children grow older, it would be painful for them to forgive others. We all grew up from the stage of forgiveness to the juncture of unforgiveness. Hurt which easily slips away in childhood sticks and stinks in adulthood.

But I have come to know the perfect model whose nature is unchangeable and whose life is worth imitating by all eternally. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Him there could be no hope of forgiveness of our sins. It is because of Him I do not lose hope to change.

It is in light of who He is and what He had done, this exhortation was given, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Col. 3:13).

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  1. Dear Brother, Sometimes the hurt caused to children is so deep that they are scarred for life and forgiveness becomes impossible. If you find time please watch this documentary 'Child of Rage'. It will break your heart to see what we are doing to our children. The wicked one who is our eternal enemy is destroying and plundering our children and youth. We need to reach out to children and youth very urgently...

    1. Thanks Udita for sharing. I agree with you that sometimes the hurt is unforgettable. I am downloading "Child of Rage" to view. Please pray that I would care for my children without spoiling and discipline them without emotional damage.
